An Instrument Rating (IR) is a pilot rating earned through intensive training focused on flying solely by reference to instruments. It is arguably one of the most valuable ratings you can add to your pilot certificate and is a fun and challenging discipline of flight training. A well-trained and proficient instrument pilot can fly an airplane from point A to point B without ever having to look out the window except for takeoff and landing; it is truly a remarkable skill.
Why Should I Consider Obtaining an Instrument Rating?
There are several reasons why a pilot might want to earn an instrument rating on their pilot certificate, the primary reason is due to safety. Even if a pilot never intends to fly in the clouds or conditions outside of visual flight rules, the instrument rating provides an extra layer of safety just in case things do not go as planned during a flight. Not only will the pilot understand more about the weather and what to expect, if the situation really became dire and their only solution was to fly through the clouds, they could safely do so in an aircraft with IFR capabilities.
What does it mean to be Instrument Rated?
FR stands for Instrument Flight Rules and without an instrument rating, pilots may not operate under IFR. Instrument Flight Rules essentially means:
- You can file an instrument flight (evaluate weather conditions)
- You can efficiently move through areas of differing airspace
- You do not have to adhere to any specific weather requirements
The Innovative Aviation Instrument Course
Our Instrument Rating Course is designed to immerse the private pilot into a complete instrument rating IFR course. The course and training focuses on single pilot operations and scenario based training with opportunities to experience actual IFR flying in a safe environment.
Topics include:
- Risk Management
- Aeronautical Decision Making
- Task Management
- Single Pilot Resource Management
- Scenario Based Training
- Personal Minimums
- Basic Instrument Flying
- Flight Planning
- ATC System & Communications
- Autopilot training
- Advanced aircraft & avionics systems training
- Fuel Planning / and alternate airports
- Weather planning for the general aviation pilot
- Proper power settings and airspeed control
- Proper ATC radio communications
- Flight Planning – Airway and Off Airway
- Non-precision approaches
- Precision ILS approaches
- Circle-to-land
- IFR cross country
- Enroute procedures
- Visual and contact approaches
- Advanced instrument approaches – GPS, L-NAV, L-NAV+V, LPV – WAAS
- Partial panel flying.
- Proper power settings and airspeed control
- Holding procedures
- VOR and NDB tracking